Writing news - Gorse, Fallow Media, Karina Beumer.

Essay in Gorse Issue 4

My essay, Symptoms of the Subterranean,is published in Gorse Issue 4, a print literary journal based in Dublin.

Info on contents, other contributors, as well as how and where to buy are found here

An extract of the essay can be read here

Fallow Media


Image by Suzanne Walsh 

Image by Suzanne Walsh 

All Stops to the Point - An East Wall Story is an essay of mine on housing issues, gentrification as well as a poetic musing on the place that is East Wall in Dublin. The essay is published on Ian Maleney's Fallow Media website. 

The essay can be read here



I have a piece of writing in this print publication by Karina Beumer, a Belgian artist based in Antwerp. 

My story is called Your Form in my Future and is a reflection on viewing art as a quest for a encounter on the level of the chemistry one has with a potential lover. 

The work of Karina Beumer is playful and subversive and also involves performances and videos. She often 'interviews' artworks. 

Info on this publication (published by Tique) and some links to her work can be found here

We also had a previous collaboration documented here, in the Oonagh Young Gallery in April 2015. 

Also further work of Karina Beumer can be found on her website